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AOC is going to be around for a long time


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1 minute ago, Mythos27 said:

Believe me man, I'm more frustrated with how little we vote than you are lol! Unfortunately, I think this will take some time. Truth is, my age group just isn't hitting the important milestones on time and a lot of us are still figuring it out. I seem to be an exception given I'm already married, have kids, and own a home, and have had a career since my early 20's. I've been lucky. My sister, who is just one year younger however, struggled for years and has just recently been able to move out and get her career on track despite being a very competent person.


That's why I'm strictly speaking about the future. Moderates tend to be older than us even if just sightly (like you) and have more of their stuff together. The progressive will is there and I don't think it goes away but we're certainly lacking in organization as young people notoriously are. It won't be that way forever though. Give us a few years.


The issues you are listing are not new to early adulthood; Gen X had all these problems too. I'm in between Gen X and Millennials by the way so don't think you are talking to a boomer who just hates every generation that came after them. As I've said before we agree on way more than we disagree on. I'm just more pragmatic in what I believe the Dems can get done considering the vast majority of the country is center right/left. We see this play out over and over and the only way to change it to vote at the local, state, and national level. Attempting to be invested once every 4 years, not saying this is what you do, isn't the path to making your collective voices heard.

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In case you haven’t heard about this story, a right wing Republican congressman accosted AOC outside the capital in earshot of reporters and, among other things, called her a “fucking bitch”. He then

Fuck with the bull get the horns     Over half the country considers AOC crazy, including a bunch of idiot Dems. Meanwhile Trump bootlicking joke Haley will be considered a moderat

Right wing media and the GOP wouldn't attack her non stop if they didn't think she was a threat. 

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Just now, oldschool said:


The issues you are listing are not new to early adulthood; Gen X had all these problems too. I'm in between Gen X and Millennials by the way so don't think you are talking to a boomer who just hates every generation that came after them. As I've said before we agree on way more than we disagree on. I'm just more pragmatic in what I believe the Dems can get done considering the vast majority of the country is center right/left. We see this play out over and over and the only way to change it to vote at the local, state, and national level. Attempting to be invested once every 4 years, not saying this is what you do, isn't the path to making your collective voices heard.

The left and center will always squabble but it's more a sibling rivalry than it is all out war. Good talk.

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2 hours ago, tgo said:



I'm a millennial btw lol, so pardon me if I'm not going to give undue influence to people who are flakey, disengaged and only self interested. 

You just described every living generation. Good job.

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2 hours ago, tgo said:


I'm a millennial btw lol, so pardon me if I'm not going to give undue influence to people who are flakey, disengaged and only self interested. 

It's also an illusion of many left wing political millennials that most all millennials are with them.  That's far from true and as many move on in age more and more will move away from that core mindset.  Not judging which side right or wrong, just a core premise of human nature as it relates to politics. 



2 hours ago, Mythos27 said:

I'm a millennial too and I see things differently than you. Even if everything you said was true, being dismissive and insulting to a future voting block is a bad idea. Being a millennial you should know we don't generally tolerate arrogance well. You can't shit on a group of people for years, then try to kiss their ass when you actually need them, and then get mad when they tell you to go screw. 

There is some serious irony here, as millennials seem to have zero problem being arrogant about their own beliefs, are completely intolerant of others, often $hit on the politicians closest to their beliefs in remaining choice (yes, Hillary might have sucked but seriously don't equate her and Trump as the same) and then wonder why they have a hard time engaging with them.  If anything right now Grandpa Joe is as patient as they come in terms of being crapped on by milennials yet still (likely) willing to listen (TBD).  



2 hours ago, OILERMAN said:

I was coming to post what Starkiller said, the wealth gap is growing and the job market is shrinking. The system isn’t sustainable. 

It’s also too obvious now


1 hour ago, oldschool said:


This is a seperate issue.


1 hour ago, Starkiller said:

It really isn’t. This is what is driving the perception that capitalism (as we see it today) has failed.

This is why young people love Bernie so much. Their generation is the one that is most fucked. That’s why they are so far to the left. Plenty of older people are, too, but they are more likely to have developed more political opinions in the past that keep them tied to old beliefs.


Yes, it's a very real issue, but one more of techno-economics than politics.  Sure, politicians shoulda/coulda done more, and hopefully will eventually, to offset the course of events that have been taking place the past few decades, but at its heart, it will always get back to education.  Setting people up to succeed in today's world, giving them opportunities at each and every level.  As opposed to pointing fingers at each others, and in the case of the Republican congress for many years now, focusing on BS social issues as a way to scare/stir up the base to maintain power and divert attention from real underlying issues. 



56 minutes ago, oldschool said:


The issues you are listing are not new to early adulthood; Gen X had all these problems too. I'm in between Gen X and Millennials by the way so don't think you are talking to a boomer who just hates every generation that came after them. As I've said before we agree on way more than we disagree on. I'm just more pragmatic in what I believe the Dems can get done considering the vast majority of the country is center right/left. We see this play out over and over and the only way to change it to vote at the local, state, and national level. Attempting to be invested once every 4 years, not saying this is what you do, isn't the path to making your collective voices heard.



I'm definitely GenX, and yes when I got out of college at tail end of Bush 1 years, the job market sucked too.  Things looked bleak.  Iraq had just happened.  Equality was still a concern believe it or not.  We invented Political Correctness if y'all forgot.  


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Do live stream of some game (Among Us?) On Twitch.   As part of get out the vote movement. 


She's good at engaging younger voters, as she should be at this point.  


Do wonder how it will go as easy for something like this to be corrupted by trolls.

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