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  1. Old Kanye was awesome. The new one is a billionaire shit talker who adds nothing except for shit posting. Sucks he paid for his own mother's death. What could have been!
  2. Yes, because you're a crazy person. I am as well, but you got some vengeance in your heart. I appreciate that lol.
  3. Without the money or the status. Hard life out here for a pimp.
  4. @KenAmato58 was asking if I graduated from TSU, so I'm assuming it's at his place!
  5. Are we in a timeline where Gorillaz isn't a thing? Shit.
  6. It sucks. I did come in guns blazing a bit once you connected because finally someone at least knew what the fuck they were talking about lol. Shit is wild. That's where I talked about my story. It's happening. The foundation is happening. We are all broken as humans at some point. What do you fill it up with? I think my persona on here also got in the way of the fact I was looking for connection inside of that history and what I saw on display between Drake versus Kendrick. One of them has lived it. The other has not. I can see how that got lost in translation which is why I said man fuck that Mythos has been my guy for a decade. Nope time to just set it straight that this is where I'm approaching it from.
  7. I didn't like the hire and his first 8 weeks on the job were absolutely pathetic in every facet of being a head coach. That is a fact. Like you mentioned though, he did get better in all major facets as the year went on. You have to give credit where it's due. He's on a short leash but I'm slightly optimistic after the Fassell hiring where he clearly identified a problem and said farewell to a friend in the process.
  8. @LongTimeFan join in the fun! Hey, let's let bygones be bygones. @Mythos27same to you. Been a wild ride boys. I'm just out here trying to figure shit out and get a Foundation up and running for my Pops so there's opportunities for kids to grow up and have the respect for themselves and life itself that they think twice before ending their ability to decide where life takes them. I genuinely entered this conversation wanting to see what people saw at halftime. What I saw is an artistic expression of the history of violence that led to my best friend in the world getting taken from me 5 minutes after I got off the phone with him.
  9. The worst part. 400% the crime rate of the rest of Memphis. Fucker was riding around with an AR.
  10. Nope you're still pulling this bullshit. Seriously, stop. You pulled race on me lol. I don't regard your feelings about how you interacted here. No I don't think that's what you're doing. I think you've been cornered in a conversation by my crazy ass and are fighting like hell to back away now that you see my context. I was here to gain understanding. You were not. That's a fact.
  11. Check my background photo on my profile and maybe you'll see where I'm coming from. But you didn't care about that at all. Go back and reread. I did.
  12. The fact you can't see it lololol yeah we are done here.
  13. I'm done with this interaction. If you would like to reread where you questioned me, not to gain understanding, but to highlight that in your mind you genuinely believe I don't know what I'm discussing in the first place then I can quite it for you. Other than that, as I said, kindly fuck off. I know what you were doing here and it's fine, but don't play ignorant to the way you said you intentionally left out that line!!!! You don't get it!! Ohhhhh you forget the instant of that song being dropped see you don't know what you're talking about! I mean would you like me to pull receipts? Then you say "your last bite of the apple" lololol gay. Just real quick to circle back to this for context. He went on tour with Drake and saw exactly who he is, a manipulative womanizer posing as a gangster. He's said as much. He also said if he could do it over he would have highlighted this much earlier, but he didn't want to be involved in battle raps. Like I said, going to back down and internalize that conversation, a damn good one in my opinion, but I thought that was important to highlight to gain some perspective of my thoughts on Kendrick. The way you're framing this is bullshit and when someone has to pull the race card in situations like this it's fucking joke to me so have at it buddy.
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