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Trump to Congresswomen AOC, Omar, Tlaib, And Presley: “go back to your own country and fix it...”


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Poor choice of words? Lol toadie. Every American should be disgusted by Trumps comments yesterday. He told the world if you arent white America isnt for you.   @Mercalius did a Brown family

God, it's hilarious when the literal link you shared reveals you went to Bing and typed in "Biden is a perv".    For fuck's sake man.

No he’s just a dick who only wants to rile people up. Tux, Sox, Tide, Simple, and all them. It’s their thing. They are little racist feckless cunts and make sure to Play it up, but it works like a cha

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1 hour ago, IsntLifeFunny said:

I can’t really wrap my mind around it even 3 years later. Watching Merc, someone I’ve always respected, go this route is puzzling to me. He’s always been a good guy around here. Yet now there doesn’t really seem to be much of a discussion happening. 


Nobody is right if everybody’s wrong type thing going on here. I understand the frustration with the Democrats. It doesn’t really matter in the end though except to call out both sides on their bullshit. The left has moved way too far into identity politics, and it’s essentially been a reaction to Trump instead of an organic movement. At least that’s how it feels when viewing the landscape from a macro scale. It doesn’t mean some of the causes aren’t justified, just that extreme swings as a reaction are not usually taken very well by an audience that is still fairly conservative by nature. Poor people in this country still do pretty well for themselves relatively, and we as a nation are still predominately a Christian nation, which breeds a conservative stance. 


With that said, it’s simply impossible to honestly defend the president’s actions and words at this point. He’s cheated on 3 wives and openly admitted to assaulting women. He’s cow towed to dictators and taken the side of Putin over all of our intelligence agencies. He’s defied congressional subpoenas at every step. He’s consistently off point in his speeches and has uttered things no logical person can reason with. He’s continually demeaned minorities since before his inauguration and continued throughout his presidency. He’s even demeaned a physically handicapped man. He’s consistently thrown tirades at the fourth estate and called one of our foundational pieces, a free press, the enemy of the people. He is the antithesis of a moral person. And now he has even backtracked from his denouncing of the chant at his rally, which is wholly unbecoming in so many ways. His immigration policy is black and white and has led to thousands of children being displaced from their families. Hell, he’s running an 18% deficit in a booming economy, which is unheard of.


It would seem he’s hit every angle of why people should be disgusted with him as a person, even if they agree with some or even most of his policies. It would be much easier to understand if these people were outright about the fact they don’t like the man but support his policies (which I still wouldn’t exactly understand, but it could at least bring us to the table of discussion).


Evangelicals somehow cheered when he said goddamn twice in one speech without cause. They shouted obscenities and chanted to send a citizen back to her country simply because she differed politically, which is a slippery slope. Fiscal conservatives who railed against Obama for deficit spending during the largest recession since the Great Depression won’t utter a word while he’s running massive deficits without any wars and during a bull market. Those who rail against the left for a PC culture that doesn’t allow people to speak their minds openly now support someone who tells them someone with a different point of view hates our country.


It’s logically inconsistent at every level when you look at the fervor this man has brought to our entire realpolitik. I’m not sure what the answer is at this point, because both sides are entrenched for the long haul. 

They interviewed 3 of the women of the alleged assaults and they basically were saying that the reason they came forward was that they hoped there would be some kind of accounting for them and the fact that there was all this other noise going around him made them feel like they had been forgotten and marginalized; and there was a large degree of truth to that. 

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13 hours ago, reo said:

Here's the thing you guys need to realize... people who support Trump don't feel empathy for others.

Interesting.  My friend who I talk about openly brags about not liking people. She is always fueding with authorities, rules.  But when something real happens, she is really concerned about others.  I think sometimes we label the worse of the DT people as the norm.  I know what you are really talking about are the nut jobs who are most vocal, but I think inside they are about the same as everybody else.  But the can get caught up in negative energy easier.


I think that's why you have to reach the heart of people.  Most of us don't want to fight and argue all day.  We have families and homes and jobs.  We want peace in all those things and we are happy.  What politics does is try to convince people that the bad guy over there wants to take every thing away   At that point, we react out of self interest.  


If our leader telsl us the Nigerian Army is advancing toward America with the intention of overthrowing our government, then we will leave what we are happy with family/home/job to go fight the Nigerians.  This is why Trump is so dangerous.  He is doing things to convince us we are coming to take our family/home/job so we have to identify and exterminate(go back).


How do you do this?  First, you identify a group(illegals) that is taking away what you have, jobs/home/family.  Next you start rounding them up to be thrown out of the country.  Then you add others you don't like to the group, AOC, Omar, Tlaib, And Presley AND people from their religions/homelands, "send her back."  It doesn't matter that these people are American citizens.  It didn't matter that the judge he first attacked was hispanic, did it?  


So, the list is expanding.  Now, Illegals and people from AOC, Omar, Tlaib, And Presley homelands and religions.  It no longer matters if they are citizens.

we have come a long way is less than three years.


My friend who I talk about, would she throw these people out?  Damn right.  Even though she has often told me her muslim friend is the most christlike person she knows.  She would get in the crown and yell, yell, yell.  Caught is negative thought.


So, here we are.


Who among us is willing to take a stand?  Romney--Came forth day one.  John McCain-Dead.  Paul Ryan-Ran home in fear.


The news media is trying.  FAKE NEWS.







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2 hours ago, TennesseeTuxedo said:

What Flake Nation fails to realize, is that Trump has separated the wheat from the chaff. 


Main Street America sees the left as a bunch of freaking crazy fools.

This is biblical.  First let it grow, then identify the chaff, cut it down and harvest the wheat.  This story is put in the bible so men would learn discernment.  Why destroy everything when only a small part is bad.  The big problem I have is the Southern Strategy.  The chaff is growing fast. How long before I am the chaff?

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7 minutes ago, Rolltide said:

What is your biblical perspective on killing babies in the third trimester? You don't like the south move to a blue state. We don't want you anyway. 

OMG!  Now I got to go.   :(

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2 hours ago, Rolltide said:

It's no joke asshole. Using forceps to tear apart a baby with all it's parts and a beating heart is a joke to assholes like you. Now lecture us about racism and support the death of 900 black babies every single day!

Do you consider yourself black?  I have noticed you always counting the number of black babies.  Why aren't you concerned about the white babies?  How many of them are torn apart with forceps daily?  Then you started a thread about dems talking down to black people.  You started the thread about how cities don't want illegals.  Let's clear this up some.  I just assumed with a name like Rolltide you was white.  Bad on my part because my cousin picks on me every time bama scores on Tennessee.



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3 hours ago, Rolltide said:


STFU. McCain was a extreme neocon like Bill Kristol and Max Boot. Might have been a worse president than Bush. Romney has gone full libtard because of Trump and needs to change parties. 


We have a right in this country to criticize people we disagree with. 


I don't want to read some moronic story about some saintly Muslim. Would she refuse to condemn A Qaeda or ISIS? That bitch Omar will not. 

There have been 100 Mulsims killed by Islamic extremists for every non Muslim. The coalition force that defeated ISIS was predominantly Muslim. And the people who are aiding our troops in Afghanistan in the fight against Al Qaeda are predominantly Muslim.

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I think this thread shows the effects, but some people should wonder why they've been fed so much of da squad.  I can picture a room full of producers high fiving: 'we've found our new Hillary!  chum machine, set to simmering rage'


,... So we looked more closely and came away with two big findings. First, Ocasio-Cortez and her "Squad" mate Ilhan Omar have been talked about a lot more on Fox than on other cable news channels this year. Second, the freshmen have been getting more attention on cable than seasoned leaders of the Democratic Party.


Trump's week-long criticism of the "The Squad," including his "go back" tweet, has intensified these dynamics. But it has been true all year long: Ocasio-Cortez has been mentioned on Fox almost three times as often as she's been mentioned on CNN or MSNBC. This has fueled the perception, particularly on the right, that her positions and policies are representative of the Democratic Party as a whole,...


And a new poll indicates that the right's criticism of the women has had palpable effects. CBS News, citing the results of a new survey conducted by YouGov, reported on Sunday that Ocasio-Cortez and Omar, along with fellow congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley, "are better known to Republicans than they are to members of their own party, and as with many members of Congress, many Americans are unfamiliar with them.",...


,... Last week, Carlson said "it's pretty obvious" that the freshman congresswomen "are becoming, with the help of CNN and MSNBC, the face of the Democratic Party."  Carlson's guest, Richard Goodstein, a lawyer and Democratic political consultant, challenged that. He pointed out that Fox News "does a pretty nice job of elevating her." Carlson conceded the point but said "it's not just Fox promoting these people."


The data backs up Goodstein's observation.  Between January 3 and July 20, Ocasio-Cortez has been mentioned at least 1,325 times on Fox News, according to data from the Internet Archive's database of television news closed captioning text.




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