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Trump's Cabinet be like:   

One insider/elite after another being brought into the inner government circle by Trump.  Goldman Sach execs, wife of the Senate majority leader.  Good news for the Trumpettes is it will be a while be

The best part is Petraeus has to do that because he got caught giving classified information to a book writer he was having an extramarital affair with while also happening to be the director of the g

5 minutes ago, TennesseeTuxedo said:

I love how the America Haters want to say that Bannon and Preibus misogynists, racists, extremists, etc…coming from the people who support the Democrat Party, which created the KKK. That is rich!

LOL......since the Civil Rights Bill passed, the Republicans cultivate the talking points for votes in the South and Midwest.

You might need to read over some Lee Atwater strategy before you open your pie hole. He freely admitted it.


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Lol, I actually think Tux doesn't care that the KKK and Nazis think Bannon is good. He's just trying to "win" by saying the Democrats were racist (who we know became Republicans) in the past so they're hypocrites for criticizing it today.

The KKK and American Nazi Party are both happy with Bannon and Trump. You can't hide from that. 



Bannon's hiring, they say, is a signal that Trump will follow through on some of his more controversial policy positions.
"I think that's excellent," former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke told CNN's KFile. "I think that anyone that helps complete the program and the policies that President-elect Trump has developed during the campaign is a very good thing, obviously. So it's good to see that he's sticking to the issues and the ideas that he proposed as a candidate. Now he's president-elect and he's sticking to it and he's reaffirming those issues."


Chairman of the American Nazi Party, Rocky J. Suhayda, who wrote a post after Trump's election night victory celebrating it as a call to action, said he was surprised at the pick of Bannon, but said it showed him Trump could follow through on his campaign promises.
"I must admit that I was a wee bit surprised that Mr. Trump finally chose Mr. Bannon, I thought that his stable of Washington insiders would have objected too vociferously," Suhayda wrote in an email. "Perhaps The Donald IS for 'REAL' and is not going to be another controlled puppet directed by the usual 'Wire Pullers,' and does indeed intend to ROCK the BOAT? Time will tell."



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1 hour ago, titanfan24 said:

The Bannon thing is just tone deafness....or JDGAF......That guy is just completely unlikable even by many R's and has a sketchy belief structure.

Did David Duke and George Wallace's corpse turn it down first?

He's a primary news source for some on this site.  

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1 hour ago, TennesseeTuxedo said:

I love how the America Haters want to say that Bannon and Preibus misogynists, racists, extremists, etc…coming from the people who support the Democrat Party, which created the KKK. That is rich!

You realize that the same people who made up the Democratic Party back then have actually become the Republican party of today right?  These were southerners.  Conservative southerners who were mad at a progressive president (Lincoln if you didn't know) for freeing the slaves.

You really do have to try to be this wrong this often.  I know you don't like to read, so you can skip down to the bottom for the good part.


When we asked Martin for the facts behind his KKK statement, he said he had misspoken.

"What I should have said is it was started by Democrats, not by the Democratic party," the senator said. "It wasn’t an official subdivision of the party, obviously … It was definitely founded by Democrats."

Soon after our conversation, Martin released a statement saying he "regretted the carelessness and inaccuracy" of his comments regarding the KKK, calling his statement an "impromptu" response to questions about Jackson’s comments that Planned Parenthood has been more lethal to blacks than the KKK.

PolitiFact Virginia respects when people tell us they erred, but we still feel obliged to complete our fact checks of their statements. So we asked several historians about the origins of the KKK.

Details about the hate group’s founding are murky -- including the exact year it began. Some cite 1865 as its start, others say it was 1867. Historians generally agree it was founded by a handful of Confederate veterans in Pulaski, Tenn. as a social fraternity and it quickly changed into a violent group that terrorized newly empowered black and white Republicans in the South.

J. Michael Martinez, the author of a 2007 book "Carpetbaggers, Calvary and the KKK," told us many angry Southern whites during the 1860s and 1870s were Democrats and a smaller number of them joined the KKK.

So there is some historic link between Democrats and the KKK. But Martinez said it is misleading to say that the hate group was started by the Democratic Party because it was more of a grassroots creation.

There’s another point to consider.

"To say that the Ku Klux Klan was started by the Democratic Party -- it’s not the Democratic party of today," Martinez said. "(From the) 1930s until today, you think of the Democratic Party being considered the party of the disenfranchised."

Other historians had similar takes.

Carole Emberton, an associate professor of history at the University at Buffalo, wrote in an email that various "Klans" that sprung up around the South acted as a "strong arm" for many local Democratic politicians during Reconstruction. Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest -- believed to be the KKK’s first Grand Dragon -- even spoke at the 1868 Democratic National Convention, said Emberton, author of "Beyond Redemption: Race, Violence and the American South after the Civil War."

But Emberton added a major caveat:

"The party lines of the 1860s/1870s are not the party lines of today," she wrote to us. "Although the names stayed the same, the platforms of the two parties reversed each other in the mid-20th century, due in large part to white ‘Dixiecrats’ flight out of the Democratic Party and into the Republican Party after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. By then, the Democratic Party had become the party of ‘reform,’ supporting a variety of ‘liberal’ causes, including civil rights, women’s rights, etc. whereas this had been the banner of the Republican Party in the nineteenth century."

Elaine Frantz Parsons, an associate professor at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh said that most post-Civil War southern whites were Democrats who were unhappy with Republican policies on Reconstruction while large numbers of newly-freed slaves were Republicans.

"So it is not surprising that the Reconstruction era Klan would have been very largely Democrats attacking Republicans," Parsons said in an e-mail. "But this simply does not map well at all onto the party structure we know today. Among other things, the Republicans (during Reconstruction) were condemned as the party of big government and as wanting to centralize authority on the federal level."

Our ruling

Martin said the KKK was created by the Democratic Party. He acknowledged he was wrong.

Historians say the KKK consisted of a group of Southern whites after the Civil War who were Democrats. But there’s no evidence the KKK was created by their political party.

It should also be noted that the anti-black Democratic Party of the 1860s and 1870s bears no similarity to the party of today.

Recognizing that Martin has expressed regret for his statement. We rate his claim False.

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It's going to be interesting to see how he balances the antisemites with the constant fellating of Israel, many of whom believe Trump to be a messianic figure.


Aryeh Deri, the interior minister, who is ultra-Orthodox, hailed Mr. Trump’s victory as a miracle, asserting it would lessen the influence of liberal, non-Orthodox streams of Judaism popular in America. He added, “We must truly be in Messianic times when everything will turn out favorably for the people of Israel.”

Israel’s Right, Cheering Donald Trump’s Win, Renews Calls to Abandon 2-State Solution

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9 hours ago, TennesseeTuxedo said:

CNN?!?! Now that is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You quote Breitbart.com and infowars.

CNN is the fucking pearly gates of news sources compared to those two.

I'm not saying their not bias, they are.  But those two are just bat shit crazy with a downright dangerous campaign and open white supremacy plots.  Trying to compare the two would be like comparing fox news to hitler's war propaganda.  One is biased, the other is professional smear propaganda with dangerous agendas....

You're a fool for listening to a word of it.

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44 minutes ago, TennesseeTuxedo said:

We saw the mainstream media lose EVERY last bit of credibility in this election. They produced nothing but pure fictional garbage. Not one thing that they put out was anywhere near the truth. It was all lies.

Breitbart was more truthful by itself than any of the mainstream media was in totality in this election. I'd venture to say that Alex Jones is now more credible than your main stream media and that says a lot.

Reality is calling.  They would like for you to come back.  

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On 11/14/2016 at 6:22 PM, Titans279 said:

Duke is a Trump and Bannon supporter. You think CNN just made it up? He would tweet that they made it up if they did.


David Duke also uses toilet paper, so let's outlaw toilet paper!!

He also probably eats at McDonald's.  Gotta shut them down now!!!

And he drinks coffee, so we need to to stop importing coffee beans, and we need to make it illegal to sell coffee.  Starbucks is history!!

I'm sure there are other examples that we can now all think of, thanks to your insightfulness of pointing out what a horrible person David Duke is.

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On 11/14/2016 at 7:31 AM, Justafan said:

I have no issues with Reince but Bannon is a white supremacist with a hardcore extreme right agenda.  Not happy with that appointment.  

I have no doubt that Bannon leans right.  And probably hard right.

But the only other place I read this stuff of yours is from distinctly left leaning places like HuffPo and Slate.

Bannon has had a very racially diverse staff at Breitbart, as well as numerous Jews on staff.

So other than endorsements from a couple of nutballs, I'd like to know if you have some citations that back up these assertions.

I mean, lets face it, if we're going to hold people accountable for who endorses them, the left has some serious 'splainin' to do.

The American Communist Party has never endorsed a republican, and goes for the democrat 99% of the time.  Can I hold that against them too?

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