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  1. There's not enough proof to say anything about this. But states changing to mass mail in ballots because of covid was stupid. I don't think there's enough time or resources to do any meaningful audits on votes. All I know is I received 2 extra random ballots for our household. My sister's family received 2 duplicates. I have no idea how they verify signatures and without ID's, there is no way to figure out if the voter did indeed fill out the form. So if you want to get rid of voter fraud, and be accurate and transparent as possible, I believe both parties need to agree on in person voting with paper ballots. One representative from each party needs to be there for the ballot counting. No more computer or electronic ballot counting. And the results of the election needs to conclude on election night like it used to or at the latest, the next morning. Regardless of whether there was mass voter fraud or not, keeping the voters in limbo for a couple days really did a number on Trumpers. I think certain states took over 4-5 days to count. Yeah, I know. I'm not allowed to question anything but I'm sure if the shoe was in the other foot, there would be complaining and questioning from the other side. Just looking at the Trump rallies and comparing them to Biden's underwhelming rallies made me question his record breaking election numbers. Even breaking Obama's previous record. So yeah, I didn't like the way they changed way the election was held but that's also on the stupid Republicans who agreed to the absolutely retarded systems. Did I mention Repubs were pussies?
  2. I could replace some of them with another and I wouldn't notice. WG is a special kind of stupid though. Seems like the guy who follows the others around and agrees with everything they say for social acceptance. You guys should start saying more and more extreme shit and see how far he follows. You all are not that far as it is.
  3. Nope. I admitted I was duped by George W Bush and the architect of the Iraq War, Dick Cheney, long before he endorsed Kamala. In fact, I admitted to it when I first engaged people on this board. Since Trump won my vote during his presidency, it exposed a lot of the crazy shit that happened due to this evil bastard, Dick. And his endorsement of Kamala is further confirmation that I'm on the right side. Fuck that guy and all the warmongers in the DNC and even RNC. Kamala can have all of them for all I care.
  4. And yet you're supporting a woman who wants to continue engaging Russia in war so Ukraine can win? How smart of you...
  5. Do any of you have a single independent thought of your own or do you say the same nonsense and read each other's comments to make yourselves feel better about your delusional takes?
  6. Yes, the Democrat strategy to get young uninformed and disinterested people to vote for the "cool" candidate. Remember "Rock the Vote!" and "Vote or Die" campaign with P Diddy. What a load of shit. They don't care about informing the public about truths, policies, and outcomes. They literally make it about the evil rich white men (which happens to be overwhelmingly supporting Dems now) and how their liberties are at risk if you don't vote. The Dem overlords know that you can get droves of superficial low info voters to vote for their puppet and at the end of the day, cities turn to shit, they have dependent voters for generations(minorities and migrants), and they will stay in power in perpetuity. Dem formula of success!
  7. And we should keep the fraud to a minimum! Let's make sure Trump and his Hoodlums don't try to pull something this time... He's such a Thug!!! I hate Him. We need to make sure we have a Free and Democratic Election. No Question!
  8. Gay means happy. I use it all the time. I'm so gay that Trump did such a good job at the debates tonight! Merc and I will have a gay old time celebrating over a cold Bud Light!
  9. None of the candidates are libertarians... But one of them is much closer to libertarian ideals. There's a reason why Trump and RFK Jr attended the Libertarian Convention earlier this year and Kamala didn't. If you can't see the policies being much closer to Libertarianism, then I don't know what to say. One's become pro bitcoin and the other probably see's it as a threat.
  10. I'd rather the resident gays squirt in the privacy of their own homes than to get their panties in a wad. Danny no likey... Interesting how they care so much about celebrities endorsing their candidate. Celebrities endorsing Democrats is like a right of passage to be accepted to the fold. It's a given. Real gangsters try endorsing Trump and see the ensuing onslaught of bitching and moaning and threats to cancel... Like Mahomes' wife the other day. Sheesh. Can't they just have their own opinions without the fucking Karens all getting riled up?
  11. Y'all can have Paul Ryan on top of the Cheney Dynasty. Good riddance! Fox is not the company that you guys think it is... These days they are just putting up with Trump because of MAGA took over the Repub Party.
  12. Trump got banned from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram "Proponent of Free Speech" Trump is getting attacked by a weaponized Justice System "Against Centralized Authority in Judicial System" Trump was almost Assassinated and no news about further investigations regarding the shooter or his connections. (conspiracy theory territory) "Against Deep State that might be Trying to Take Him out due to his Disruptive Nature to the US System" Trump is more of an isolationist and American nationalist (America First) "Goes Against Centralized Global Agenda of the Globalists" Trump wants to repeal and replace Obama Care. "Against Centralized Healthcare or at least wants to get rid of Individual Mandate" Trump wants to keep his expiring Tax Cuts. "Against giving the Government more Money that they spend wastefully." These are all libertarian values. Need I go on?
  13. Good faith is hard to come by in this board... but if you're willing to listen, I am also.
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