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Warning regarding racism in the forum


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Just a warning for all:


I tire of moderating the hardly veiled racist bullshit posts that some engage in. I'll just start banning instead.


You know who you are. You and I both know the explanations you'll give for why it shouldn't be objected to. This is the post to make sure you know that I honestly don't care. At all.


Post whatever political opinion you have. That's fine. But do it without the racism or it'll be the end of your posting privileges. Be better or fuck off. Thanks!


Test me and see.

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One note for anyone interested:


Removing a member and erasing their entire posting history takes a single click.


One. That's it. *click* Bye.


It's far, far easier to moderate than to waste time creating more accounts and spamming. And doing that will make the ban permanent.


Just food for thought.

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