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Days in the lives of Trump supporters

9 Nines

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17 minutes ago, 9 Nines said:

I think we should give Trump supporters a chance to be part of society by listening to their views.  With that goal, let's share events in the days of their lives.  Here is one:




This kid has to be getting his ass kicked quite often

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Fuck that fucking piece of filth rag and anyone who glorifies that traitorous regime. It's your heritage son but it's nothing to be proud of. It's my heritage too and it sickens me. I had a bunch of ancestors who owned dozens of slaves and would give away babies as gifts. The old county deed books are full of these transactions. But to be willing to kill your fellow Americans because they want you to stop treating humans like livestock? Yeah no fuck you pal. Then they have the nerve to call themselves patriots.



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