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After 20 Other Companies Pull Out, Planned Parenthood Offers to Sponsor “The O’Reilly Factor”


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“At Planned Parenthood, we’re sort of the experts on pulling out,” a statement from Planned Parenthood’s deputy junior media liaison reads, “and we couldn’t help but notice a whole lot of pulling out going on over at The O’Reilly Factor. Being the charitable non-profit we are, we’d like to offer Mr. O’Reilly our services, as advertisers, as we know that simply aborting his show is just not on the table at this time, and besides that’s such a very small part of what we do here, anyway.”

“First,” the offer reads, “Bill has to admit that Planned Parenthood prevents more abortions than we perform thanks to our free contraceptives and sex-ed classes. This isn’t liberal mumbojumbo. This is cold, hard, scientific fact, which we know offends Bill and his viewers, so we understand if this is hard for him — or them — to swallow.”



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