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GoFundMe campaign to purchase congress' internet history.


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A friend was telling me last night (Bernie Sanders supporter) that the law that was passed that allowed information to be sold or whatever simply had to do with the fact that the alternative was something along the lines of ISPs under 100,000 people, whatever artbitrary number he told me, would still be able to sell your history and data.

This would mean that larger companies would just spend money divying up sections of their services or however it would have been done to the limit they would allow the information to be accessed and sold, just causing a lot of money to be spent.


I forgot exactly how he worded it (and was a conversation with alcohol involved) but it was interesting hearing him bitch about how the only thing that "his party" was trying to do was make it so it would benefit different pocket books, very little of it was actually based on politicians doing the morally correct thing

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9 hours ago, abenjami said:

This is a great scam.  The person who started it will walk away with a few hundred grand and no one will be able to do shit about it.

They don't get the money if it doesn't reach the goal. Plus the person that started it is an actor from the TV show Supernatural so I doubt they need the $

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