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  1. Bottomline it's going to be Levis but we are going to try to get a better security blanket
  2. Edited to remove Bryce Young who's played himself into renewed organizational confidence and Kyler Murray who has cemented his status as the Cards franchise QB Added Jones and Winston.
  3. I get it but this team is void of talent. I think Johnson is a future all pro. And if it came down to it Tennessee could make sense of the selection if they were stuck in that spot. Namely, the longevity of the health of Sneed and Awuzie. In the meantime, there's nothing wrong with having the absolute best secondary. It's not a bad investment or identity to have
  4. Ehh at that point, if we aren't able to trade down then taking the last remaining high level 1st round prospect is not a bad decision
  5. McCord is more likely an adequate backup level type QB. He's not worth considering
  6. Very strange obsession by one particular poster to root so hard against the personal success of the franchises best player who was nothing short of being a model citizen and leader. He proved you wrong. Let it go. Its annoying now.
  7. The real problem is that Bryce Young may have played the Panthers out of the QB needy draft market
  8. Daniels actually had two open players in that area of the field
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