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  1. I'm disgusted that we have to go through the Trump experience once more. I really don't mind a republican president, but Donald Trump?? I'm honestly hoping Vance and Co. do 25th him so there will at least be an adult in charge while we traverse the next 4 years even if I disagree with his policies.
  2. That locker room is going to be tense at halftime
  3. We might seriously be picking in the top 5 next draft.
  4. Levis is going to have to get into a shoot out with Malik Willis!!
  5. I don't like the precedent it sets when you don't like a presidential candidate that assassinating them is the correct course of action, but I wouldn't be upset if someone were successful in putting one in his dome. He's a horrible human being and the sooner he's passes, whether by natural causes or a bullet to the brain, the better off the country will be.
  6. I can't decide if the Packers are really this inept or if Lafleur is trying to get fired. Willis is the next Sam Bradford at failing upward.
  7. Right! Go enjoy the rest of your youth with all the millions you've made! His life is going to be hell when he gets older.
  8. If his family loves him, they'll tell him it's time to retire. McDaniels will have him back out in the next series.
  9. Trump empathizing with Putin. He's such a bitch. Lol
  10. I love how she keeps calling him weak. You can see it getting under his skin.
  11. Does he have a new hair piece on? It looks off.
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